
2020 Program Sessions

285. Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and the Pacific

12:00 PM–1:15 PM Jan 10, 2020 (US - Pacific)

WSCC - 614

Session Information


1: Deep Time: Manuel Ramos Otero’s 1898

Laura Torres-Rodriguez, New York U

2: Puerto Rico and the Korean War: United States Imperialism, Cold War Politics, and Transpacific Intimacies

Junyoung Verónica Kim, U of Pittsburgh

3: Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the Discourse of Latinidad

Paula Park, Wesleyan U

4: Japanese-Dominican Identities: Japanese Immigration to the Dominican Republic during the Postwar Period and Beyond

Stephanie Lopez, Penn State U, University Park


Sandra Casanova-Vizcaino, Binghamton U, State U of New York
