
2020 Program Sessions

339. Keywords for the Future

3:30 PM–5:15 PM Jan 10, 2020 (US - Pacific)


Session Information

Description: Junior, mid-career, and senior scholars present keywords related to race, ethnic studies, and the presidential theme. The plenary is forward-looking in its prompt to have emerging and established scholars discuss future directions of minority studies around key concepts that are taking the field in different analytical, critical, and geographic directions.

For linked sessions, see meetings 527 and 621.


1: Race

Shona Jackson, Texas A&M U, College Station

2: Empire and Diaspora

Brent Hayes Edwards, Columbia U

3: Gender

Meina Yates-Richard, Emory U

4: Queer

Joshua Guzmán, U of California, Los Angeles

5: Disability

Sami Schalk, U of Wisconsin, Madison

6: Indigenous

Dylan Robinson, Queens U

7: Aesthetics

Kandice Chuh, Graduate Center, City U of New York


Ricardo L. Ortiz, Georgetown U
