Wheaton College

As a member of the Delegate Assembly (Region 4), I am encouraged by the MLA’s concern about the homogenization of higher education. At the same time, I regret the ongoing political disparagement of institutional distinctives representing the liberal arts, both secular and religious. Coming from a residential liberal arts college that takes the scholarship of teaching seriously, I want to address matters of formative practice in relation to language and literature. How might we, as professionals, reconsider the ways in which academic literacy skills influence students in their word-praxis beyond the classroom, especially insofar as social engagement with “the other” is concerned? And what responsibilities do MLA members have in promoting academic civility, particularly through written and oral discourse? Liberal democracy depends upon liberal education, which has always used words to explore matters of freedom and obligation, all the while raising questions of value and complexity. As someone who started out as an adjunct, moved into a tenure-track position, and now serves as an administrator, I have always believed that words, rightly considered and thoughtfully used, can humanize us, making us more empathic individuals.


2020 Program Sessions

10:15 AM–11:30 AM Jan 11, 2020 (US - Pacific)

WSCC - 611

None yet.